Good Fellas “beer-battered” Pizza

Finally tried CDO’s first “Design Your Own Pizza”

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For just 240, we had this one 9-inch soft, saucy mouthwatering pizza. This design your own pizza comes with a stub where you can choose what you want to add in. So fun choosing! Here’s ours!  :


Please don’t doubt about trying Jojo Potato. Magic happens when eaten with it’s sauce– the art of destiny! ❤


I will definitely go back, even if I’m just by myself. ^_^


Tokyo Bubble Tea and Restaurant

Since it’s just right outside the movie house, there were so many times I was tempted to dine in Tokyo Bubble Tea and Restaurant in Centrio Mall. But every time I try to browse the menu, I would change my mind because I’m really not into Japanese food like my sister. I’m not familiar with the names and types,all I want is something I know a really good food and not courageous enough to try something new.

But then finally, I took my lunch in the Restaurant with mom this afternoon. 10953086_1416631441962886_791717648_n

I asked for the best-seller meals and the girl gave me Beef Gyudon.

In the first place, I wondered why it became a best seller(haha). But no, it’s good, specially at first but it’s not something I wanna enjoy for the whole minutes of eating.



And so we also ordered Pork Katsudon and Fish Katsudon.

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Good thing is that I made the right choice about the Double Chocolate Milk Shake (since they have no soft drinks nor ice tea) It was not too sweet, it’s perfect!

Just to give you a sneak peak of what’s inside their menu. (But there’s a lot more ha!)

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Out of 10, in my own preference,  I would rate it as 6, but if it’s just the milk shake, I would give a perfect 10! It’s even too good for it’s price!

What do you think I should try to change my opinion about it?

XOXO! :-*

Fallen Heroes

The recent events have left me grief-stricken. Not because of the absence of the Commander, but because of how heartless people have become that they could easily and ruthlessly end lives of country’s brave warriors in a matter of hours, or minutes. Who are they to use their own hands in judging anybody’s life on earth?

With other latest news and after reading some few articles, I’ve been thinking. Does it seem right, that our soldiers are fighting for the very people who are busy destroying our communities in a less or no-brutality-involved way? Getting what’s for people and fooling people is still brutal to me. There are various points to consider. But we shall let that pass today.

My deep condolences to the families of our fallen heroes.

May we offer our prayers for their souls in today’s National Mourning.


We will never know the whole story and have no idea if we can still trust the media, but let us not divert the real lesson in this present affliction.

 How cruel can people be in the future?

What kind of world will our children and our children’s grand children would be?

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hello 2015 Giveaway in IG Prizes Revealed! <3

Finally, here’s the answer to your query: ” Are there any photos of the prizes mentioned?”

YES! :))

One lucky winner of OUTFIT OF THE MONTH

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Top: Penshoppe Basic Tee

Bottom: TropicalCo. Ombre, distressed high-waist shorts.


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Consolation Prizes:

4 winners of 2015 Handy Planners

2 winners of TropicalCo. Shorts (high-waist & low waist)

1 winner of Purple Tube Dress

1 winner of Studs Set

As simple as “re-post-follow-tag-hash-tag”

Keep doing that for more chances of winning!

Let’s keep the race faster . Go for 3K followers!

Good luck!

XOXO girls! ❤

Slumber Birthday Party at Marco Polo

My dazzling, gorgeous, sweet and smart (but sometimes gets lost in her own world! haha) friend turned 22 yesterday. — Kristianne Myles Atinero Purino

And the same as last year, we stayed overnight in one of the cottages at Marco Polo Hotel ❤


We ran out of tapes! haha



Dinner Time ❤ ❤

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Welcome to our room!! It has six beds, a small TV room and a veranda.


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Surprise Surprise!

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Pool time is only up until 9:45 pm. At least we had 30 minutes to get wet! And the Jacuzzi is just ❤


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Had a good time, eating and talking with these girls all night and all dawn. Had some catching ups, realizations and fun, fun fun etc. Nothing beats being with friends who have known you for years, seen you at your best and worst yet never fails to be there by your side. Not all thick and thin are for couples though 😉


Had to wake up earlier because the free breakfast buffet is until 9:00am only. We hiked going down the cafe and had a mini strolling.

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lovely girls wearing lovely shades ❤


Check out time! Hope our birthday girl enjoyed her day. Thankyou ying! Thank you girls!


Favorite Sayings by Pope Francis During PH Visit

pope speech


Millions of Filipinos came to witness Pope Francis’ 5 days visit in Manila and Tacloban. But there are million more Filipinos listening to his messages through the media at home, just like me. Inspired by the wisdom he has shared through God’s graces, I have listed some of my favorite messages below.

  1. “For this the Gospel offers us a serene way forward: using the three languages of the mind, heart and hands – and to use them in harmony. What you think, you must feel and put into effect. Your information comes down to your heart and you put it into practice. Harmoniously. What you think, you feel and you do. Feel what you think and feel what you do. Dowhat you think and what you feel.”
  2.  “Rest is so necessary for the health of our minds and bodies, and often so difficult to achieve due to the many demands placed on us.  But rest is also essential for our health, so that we can hear God’s voice and understand what he asks of us.”
  3. “How many solutions are found to family problems if we take time to reflect, if we think of a husband or wife, and we dream about the good qualities they have. Don’t ever lose the memory of when you were boyfriend or girlfriend. That is very important.”
  4. “It is important to dream in the family. All mothers and fathers dream of their sons and daughters in the womb for nine months. They dream of how they will be. It isn’t possible to have a family without such dreams. When you lose this capacity to dream you lose the capacity to love, the capacity to love is lost.”
  5. “Together with many people throughout the world, I have admired the heroic strength, faith, and resilience demonstrated by so many Filipinos in the face of this natural disaster, and so many others. Those virtues, rooted not least in the hope and solidarity instilled by Christian faith, gave rise to an outpouring of goodness and generosity, especially on the part of so many of the young.”0119-pf
  6. Families will always have their trials, but may you never add to them. Instead, be living examples of love, forgiveness, and care.”
  7. “So many of you have lost everything. I don’t know what to say to you. But the Lord does know what to say to you. Some of you have lost part of your families. All I can do is keep silence and walk with you all with my silent heart. Many of you have asked the Lord, ‘Why, Lord?’ And to each of you, to your heart, Christ responds with his heart from the cross.”
  8. “Women have much to tell us in today’s society. Sometimes we are too machistas and we don’t allow enough space to women. But women can see things from a different angle to us, with a different eye. Women are able to pose questions we men are unable to understand.”
  9. “As I said, the heart of your question has no reply. Only when we too can cry about the things you said can we come close to answering that question. Why do children suffer so much? Why do children suffer? When the heart is able to ask itself and weep, then we can understand something”
  10. “What is the most important subject you have to lean at university? What is most important subject you have to learn in life? To learn how to love. This is the challenge that life offers you: to learn how to love. Not just to accumulate information without knowing what to do with it.. But through that love let that information bear fruit.”Pope_Francis_in_St_Peters_Square_Oct_13_2013_Credit_Lauren_Cater_CNA_CNA
  11. “Real love is about loving and letting yourself be loved. It’s harder to let yourself be loved than to love. That is why it is so difficult to come to the perfect love of God. We can love Him but we must let ourselves be loved by Him. Real love is being open to the love that comes to you. The love that surprises us.”
  12. “Allow yourselves to be surprised by God. Don’t be afraid of surprises. They shake the ground beneath our feet and make us insecure, but they move us forward in the right direction.”
  13. “To be wise use three languages: think well, feel well and do well. And to be wise allow yourselves to be surprised by the love of God. That will guarantee a good life.”
  14. “You know how to give and yet you have ever learned how to receive. You still lack one thing. Become a beggar. This is what you still lack. Learn how to beg. This isn’t easy to understand. To learn how to beg. To learn how to receive with humility. To learn to be evangelized by the poor, by those we help, the sick, orphans, they have so much to give us.”
  15. “There is the challenge, the concern for the environment. And finally, there is the challenge for the poor, to love the poor, with your bishops.”Pope-Francis-2
  16. “Sorry if I haven’t read what I prepared for you but there is a phrase that consoles me: that reality is superior to ideas. The reality that you have is superior to the paper I have in front of me.”
  17. “Sometimes, when we see the troubles, difficulties and wrongs all around us, we are tempted to give up.  It seems that the promises of the Gospel do not apply; they are unreal.  But the Bible tells us that the great threat to God’s plan for us is, and always has been, the lie. The devil is the father of lies. Often he hides his snares behind the appearance of sophistication, the allure of being ‘modern,’ ‘like everyone else.’ He distracts us with the promise of ephemeral pleasures, superficial pastimes. And so we squander our God-given gifts by tinkering with gadgets; we squander our money on gambling and drink; we turn in on ourselves.  We forget to remain focused on the things that really matter. We forget to remain, at heart, children of God. That is sin: [to] forget at heart that we are children of God.  For children, as the Lord tells us, have their own wisdom, which is not the wisdom of the world.”
  18. We too need to protect, guide, and encourage our young people, helping them to build a society worthy of their great spiritual and cultural heritage.  Specifically, we need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished, and protected.  And we need to care for our young people, not allowing them to be robbed of hope and condemned to life on the streets.”


 Thank you Pope Francis for helping us renew and progress our Faith to the Lord, Papa Jesus, Mama Mary and everything that comprises Catholic Faith. Thank you for the inspiration by showing us compassion. Your special vocation for the youth inspires me most. I am dreaming about them too. And hopefully, God’s blessings will lead me to this special calling someday. I will never forget the harmony that should be in the three languages.Pope Francis departs for South Korea

You can never deny that you also have that special personal reflections during Pope’s apostolic visit, so what message inspired you the most? ^_^


photo credits to the owners


High Ridge Experience

Ages ago, ha-ha, high ridge was already offering a great place to bond with family and friends, just bring in your own food and change for a cheap entrance. The sad thing is, haven’t had the chance to visit that time until it was temporarily closed. The moment I heard about its soft opening, I said “I just can’t miss this”.

High Ridge is like Cagayan de Oro’s Lantaw Busay in Cebu, I’ve been there once and the tropical designs are quite alike and both offer great views though Lantaw is way higher from the ground.


You must have a private car or motorcycle to visit the place, the road is quite rough but i think its really safe. And its not quite far from the cemented road in Aluba subdivision, a kilometer maybe? some just  actually walk from there or mostly from high ridge going home.



One hundred peso entrance is required before entering the restaurant and it is consumable on food and drinks.


  I have been in the place for 3 times only. The first time, there were only a few varieties of food. The same on my second visit, but last night, a lot of choices were added, and finally there’s a separate order for fries! ha-ha!

The rice meals was okay, I’ve tried grilled belly and roasted chicken, it’s not really that good because my order was not fully cooked, I mean the chicken, and the belly was not so tender, maybe because of the huge number of people to be served but overall it still tasted good and okay.

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Good heavens I love the fries paired with a perfect side sour cream sauce. The Ice cream shake was great too, almost near to T.G.I.F. Chocolate Milkshake. Almost, though.

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When you’re so hungry, you might wanna try High Ridge Burger too! The perfect beef patty will satisfy you. But still it depends, I just really can’t finish one single burger. ^_^ But it’s really good.


 This is where you’ll find the right place to take pictures that will also capture the city lights ❤


And that’s me, and my full happy tummy.


How about you, what’s your experience with High Ridge? ^__^

1st photo, credits to the owner

the rest, yours truly