Wear A Dress But Still Be You

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I am not really a dress-kinda-girl but there’s this feeling of urgency to be like-a-lady sometimes.

When that comes, I pick out the simplest dress I could grab from my closet and for today, it happened to be the yellow & grey stripes Korean-style dress given as a gift by my Aunt. So decided to pair it up with my Spruce flats!

Just love keeping everything simple! Not to mention the nude colour stick from IN2IT I used for my lips.

Headed to Sweet Leaf, Pabayo. I do prefer Lifestyle Branch, and it’s actually like my home in the City.

But this time, I tried the Pabayo branch. Still okay though.

And as usual, ordered my favorite Oreo Milk Tea.

Nothing So Extraordinary.

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Ignore the critics. Only mediocrity is safe from ridicule. Dare to be different!— Dita von Teese
