Monte Richi Beach Resort

It’s a triple 5 day.

5 months and 50 years on the 5th.

We headed to Monte Richi Beach Resort for an overnight stay.

There’s an entrance fee of 50/head for adults and 35/head for kids up to 10 yo.

Corkage is only applicable to Lechon which costs 500 pesos.

They’ve got a various accommodation packages to choose from.

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Invited some folks to come over for lunch gathering.


We rented a standard room and it was cozy enough for us to have an awesome restful night. It has two beds, a comfort room a mini lavatory with enough cabinets and a small fridge. It also has a balcony in front and on the side of the room.

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By the way I paired up my Old Navy Bottom here, with a DIY shirt for my OOTB (Outfit On The Beach. lol)

How I made it?  HERE .




I almost forgot to mention. The place offers a lot of spots to take sublime photos. Check out some of ours.

Don’t miss the sunset too! ^_^

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Though not flowing or not a spring rather, they placed splinters and water showers on the pool to make it better. It’s really fine. And we totally had fun! In the pool then beach then pool then beach and eat eat eat!

A near-yet-so-far trip best with your kith and kin.

Wear A Dress But Still Be You

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I am not really a dress-kinda-girl but there’s this feeling of urgency to be like-a-lady sometimes.

When that comes, I pick out the simplest dress I could grab from my closet and for today, it happened to be the yellow & grey stripes Korean-style dress given as a gift by my Aunt. So decided to pair it up with my Spruce flats!

Just love keeping everything simple! Not to mention the nude colour stick from IN2IT I used for my lips.

Headed to Sweet Leaf, Pabayo. I do prefer Lifestyle Branch, and it’s actually like my home in the City.

But this time, I tried the Pabayo branch. Still okay though.

And as usual, ordered my favorite Oreo Milk Tea.

Nothing So Extraordinary.

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Ignore the critics. Only mediocrity is safe from ridicule. Dare to be different!— Dita von Teese



Ultra Winds Mountain Resort – In Top Favorites List

Ultra Winds Mountain Resort is in the list of my Top CDO Destinations.Reasons, (1) it gives you the feeling of being really faraway from the city, (2) free from pollution of all kinds, (3) the food is good and  (4) the view is very exquisite.  It is located in Baungon Bukidnon, using Taguanao Road, 20 minutes drive from Divisoria, CDO.


So tell me, how can you resist that? <3.<3


Now Imagine yourself sitting in this couch with that view in front of you. No, don’t imagine, plan your visit now and do it.


Well I must admit, that this wouldn’t be just “my favorite” but ours. We can actually do anything freely and we are definitely fresh air seekers. It’s perfect for nature-hugger type of couple, friends or family.


By the way, they have already implemented a payment of 100 pesos consumable entrance fee in food, accommodations and zip-line. Other activities are also available such as Horseback riding, Mountain trekking, Camping etc.

If you don’t feel like eating outside, they also have an indoor dining where the windows are made of screen so you won’t be envy with the fresh air.



Yes,yes,yes! They do offer sumptuous menu.


Taste is good and so is the volume. A rice meal starts at around 250 – and we’re very satisfied with that. I can’t even finish the whole spaghetti bolognese which costs around 160, if I’m not mistaken.

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But you must also try their fried ice cream (below) we ordered during our visit 10 months ago.


AND, just like every other wanders…..

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We take pictures. Lots of it.

What are you waiting for?? Plan your visit: Ultra Winds


Another Sinulog Missed

When I was a kid, we’ve been visiting Cebu year after year. It was the homeland of our ancestors just before world war II. A lot of our kin remained in Mactan, Lapu-Lapu in my paternal grandfather’s side and I have relatives in my paternal grandmom’s side in Cebu City. I think those are quite enough reasons to keep me going back there. ^_^

In every visit I had, I never missed to drop by the Basilica de Sto. Nino. I have this feeling of becoming a little kid again whenever I pray to Child Jesus.

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The only sad thing is that, I’ve never been there in any 3rd Sunday of January, just like today. I’ve been there like almost every Friday during my 5 months review in San Jose but never attended a feast mass, street dancing, street parties and all other great stuffs and events just for the feast of Sto. Nino.

Nevertheless, I had one perfect Kagay-anon Feast Sunday. Attended the Carmelight procession and mass in Camaman-an. And helped in feeding hungry children organized by Mommy Demi, as we all believed that the feast of Sto. Nino is primarily for the Children.

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Viva! Pit Senyor!

2016 might be my year.

A Throwback for the Family I Miss – Dapitan City

For three years of ups and downs, I’ve been working with these people. One great moment I had with them was during our Educational Trip to Dapitan City for 3 days and 2 nights. Aside from recalling the memories, I also feel that compulsion to share the whole experience with you. ^___^


The travel was more or less 8 hours from Cagayan de Oro. Of course, you have to ride the barge for a faster and safer way to arrive at Oroquieta City and another 4 hours road travel to Dapitan.


Finally! The best City Hall I’ve seen in my wanders. Peaceful, clean and green and fresh air is everywhere ❤


In our background is Casa Recidencia, the replica house of Rizal when he was exiled in Dapitan.


left : Rizal’s Octagonal Clinic or Casa Redonda at the same time dormitory of Rizal’s pupils.

right: The Lover’s Rock, where Rizal and Josephine Bracken spent most of their quiet moments.

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Travels would not be complete without visiting Cathedrals!


We rented a whole room good for 10-12 in Dakak Beach Resort. It’s a dormitory type, I don’t know how much as we let the agency arranged everything for us (sorrrrrrrry!!!). But here’s the white sandy beach.


And that’s us. ❤


The sun was too harsh so we hit the pool.


MUST TRY : Asia’s longest zip line. Compared to Dahilayan, it was scarier, thus, much fun and the view was so perfect. So much enjoyed the fly! lol. Costs 500 pesos and comes with a free horse back or ATV ride. Sulit!


What to do at night? That’s never a big problem. Gloria de Dapitan is a public park, perfect for dinner outs, bonding with buddies, pasalubong shopping and activities we tried such as bowling, billiards etc.


And please don’t forget the south’s mini Enchanted Kingdom–Fantasy Land. Felt like a kid again. ^.^


Since I don’t have enough strength to ride a real bull, I tried the machine operated one!

PLEASE TRY THIS TOO! It’s super fun!


ANOTHER MUST TRY: Fantasy Land Horror House. It’s the best horror house I’ve been. Great job to the whole  cast, you’ve given us heart attacks. lol  ^______^


That’s it! Always remember to be with the best companions because it makes the whole travel a total package. Sometimes, we might not notice it but, it’s the people we’re with that brings much more fun.

I miss you team Youth for Change. :*

An Escape From the City : Mantangale Alibuag Beach Resort, Balingoan

With my favorite travel buddy, we drove to Mantangale Alibuag Beach Resort, Balingoan, for more or less two hours, from Cagayan de Oro. It usually take long rides to enjoy white sand beaches in Northern Mindanao. You must be patient, like us, just enjoy the trip!

Around 50m from  the National Highway, we arrived at around 10:00am. There was a 150 entrance fee which is of course, consumable. First Activity: Fishing Tilapya in the pond. As far as I can remember, you have to pay for the rent of fishing rods(10 or 20 pesos) and each caught (20/30? I really can’t remember! I’m sorry! :))).


You can choose to bring or cook the Tilapyas. We chose to fry and eat those for lunch! Yummy!


Just as our tummies were full, we arrange a snorkeling activity wherein we have to rent a glass bottom boat which costs,if I’m not mistaken, P 1,200 and another payment for the gears for P 250 each. Actually there are a lot more activities to choose from, kayaking, banana boat, jet-ski and scuba.

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Beautiful Ocean Wildlife! ❤


Snorkeling Time! The advantage of swimming in the middle of the sea rather than near the shore is that you will not  be disturbed by the sea weeds and sea urchins and that the water is just amazingly cold!


After less than two hours, we went back to the resort and hit the pool! ❤


You have to make memories in Mantangale Beach Resort too. :*

Beloved Bohol

That was October 15, 2013, exactly two years ago, when central Visayas was hit by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The epicenter was in a specific  barangay in Bohol. Churches were ruined, the famous chocolate hills was also flattened including all other alluring places.

I offer my prayers to everyone who was affected and devastated by the earthquake. It has been a year now and we’ll never stop fighting, getting up and praying over and over.


Recalling the luck, 5 months before the incident, I was able to visit Bohol for two days. We stayed in one of the Resorts in Panglao. I could say that Bohol is one of my favorite places in the Philippines, it made me appreciate the beauty of Nature more and more. From the historical churches, to white sand beaches, rivers, forests and wildlife. Here are some of my photos in the province.


From port, after breakfast, first stop is in Chocolate Hills.


Visited various Churches including of course, the Baclayon Church.


We had our lunch in Loboc River’s Floating Restaurant. And it was perfect. A must-try for those who want to visit Bohol someday. The awkward thing is that, it would might seem like you’re a tourist in another country because you’re companions are mostly Koreans. We’re the only Filipinos in the floating deck that time.


Island City is the most famous mall (and maybe the only one) present in the vicinity.


After, we gazed at the tiny, big-eyed creatures and the rest happened in the White Sand Beaches of Panglao.

 I hope everything that was destroyed by the earthquake will be restored back to their original beauties. Because, beloved Bohol, you’re worth everyone’s efforts.